NEVER BEFORE have these two giants of choral madness appeared together on one stage. EXPERIENCE the MEN OF THE WEST and the BALLPOINT PENGUINS as they walk the tightrope between comedy and good taste. HEAR them performing together on the flying a cappella trapeze, with no instrumental net, without falling flat! THRILL as they ride the wild horses of dynamic expression and method acting! WATCH them tame the lions of integrated song-and-dance moves and polyphony!
Festival favourites in WA for more than a decade, Men of The West now entertaining you at Clancys Fish Pub in Fremantle, 51 Cantonment Street
Mondays 7pm:
– August 13
– September 10
– October 8
Join the Men and sing songs such as Delilah and Dancing Queen, through topics ranging from barbecue recipes to the intricacies of understanding social media, from fiddle to power tools, beards and asking the question, “Am I not pretty enough?”
Part pointless grandeur, part theatre, part sing-a-long with a 14-strong group of strangely be-hatted men dressed in black.
With humour mixed with some fine strong harmonies, it’s time for you to realise your expectations of joining a male choir.
Devilishly handsome and dangerously good, the mysterious male choir Men Of The West are sure to be a must-see event at this year’s Denmark Festival of Voice.
The Men of the West return to Customs House Fremantle with a sumptuous program to resonate in this historic building for the Fremantle Heritage Festival.
Festival favourites in WA for more than a decade, and after successful seasons at Fringe World and sell-out shows at the Fly By Night Musicians Club, the Men, black and be-hatted, are here to amuse Fremantle with a manbag full of entertainment; self-deprecating humour mixed with poignancy, subtle theatre, and some fine strong harmonies.
Fremantle Customs House
8 Phillimore Street, Fremantle, WA 6160
Tickets from trybooking